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La Nageuse by Perez Petriarte Two Paintings that form One

La Nageuse by Perez Petriarte Two Paintings that form One

Code: 11601


W: 100cm (39.4")H: 50cm (19.7")


Perez Petriarte
La Nageuse
Powerful new work from a series by this established French contemporary Artist
Le Printemps from this series of her works reflects the interwoven world of nature and humans under pressure from climate change

Perez Pétriarte grew up on the coast of SW France. She is an artist whose work evolves and follows strong phases of development periodically Her work is strong and distinctive She spent many years living and painting in Paris where she exhibited her works in Parisian Galleries establishing her early decorative style to much acclaim. Subsequently she moved back to the region of her birth, with her family, and re-established her atelier in SW France where her art has moved more strongly towards the politics of ecology and climate change and humanities, the animal world and the planet
Perez Petriarte Born 1962 "I grew up by the sea nurtured by the Atlantic Ocean rollers in the shadow of the Pyrenees in Biarritz France. In all my work I am fascinated by light that is the essence of life"
Member of the Taylor's Fondation
Galerie Helène Appel Paris ,
Invitée d'honneur Association des Basques de Paris ,
Galerie du Seignanx ,
Saint Martin de Seignanx ,
Galerie du Château de Peyrehorade ,
Galerie Pilli Tafernaberry Bidart ;:
Salon 4art Bordeaux ,
Rencontre du Cadran Saint Geours de Marenne ,
Salon des Artistes Contemporains Paris ,
Salon Assemblée Nationale Paris ,
Salon Jeunes Espoirs Saint Jean De Luz ,
Salon Le Colisée Biarritz ,
Salon Interministériel Paris ,
Salon d'Automne Paris ,
Salon des Artistes Français Paris ,
Salon Comparaison Paris .

Premier prix du salon Interministériel de la Ville de Paris
Prix du salon A.A.P.P
Prix salon Interministériel de la Ville de Paris
Prix de peinture salon A.A.P.P
Médaille de bronze de la Ville de Paris
Prix de peinture salon A.A.P.P
Médaille de bronze Conseil de la Ville de Paris